How We Calculate Payback Period

Coledale Solutions Ltd provides professional design, installations, financing, post installation support, and all other solar related needs, by trained certified technicians at an all time low price!

  • “Assume a solar system on your rooftop of about 8 kW in size. Cost to put up this system is approximately $27,500. After the rebates and federal state tax credits, your out of pocket expense is under $19,000.
  • Generation in Winter is approximately $200 during winter months, and $400 during Summer months.
  • Usage in Winter is approximately $250 per month, and during summer is $400 per month.
  • Old Bills were about $3900 per year. After the solar system installation, new bills will be $350 per year.
  • If you take equity loan for $17,500 with 5% interest rates, payments are $3000 per year.
  • Savings are $3550 per year, and your system is paid off in 6 years. If you do not take a loan, system is paid off within 5 years.

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